The phantom menace pc playable maul
The phantom menace pc playable maul

the phantom menace pc playable maul


I literally saw the whole trilogy every single Sunday for a year and a half, so I’d become very fond of the whole series and what universe it built before us. To ring in the occasion, I fondly recall watching the original “Star Wars” trilogy on the special edition VHS I was lucky enough to have been given for my birthday by my aunt one year. In 1999 when Lucas aired the first ever trailer for “The Phantom Menace” on primetime television, I rushed home to watch the trailer on video tape, and I must have seen it at least ten times. “Star Wars” is a series that kept me hooked for a very long time and I was always looking for anything I could find to read about it, or consume in some form as entertainment. I never came back from that obsession, and to this day it’s a hard habit to break. A year later, I borrowed the original trilogy from a friend on VHS and consumed the whole series in one sitting over the course of a weekend. I wanted those pogs even if I didn’t know who Luke Skywalker or Lando Calrissian was.

the phantom menace pc playable maul

For me it was something of a passing fad that I admired through the fun commercials and the heavy connection to Doritos. My “Star Wars” obsession began in 1997 when George Lucas unleashed the new editions of his trilogy in theaters.

The phantom menace pc playable maul